Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hospitals and Airports

Good Morning,

It felt like a blog kind of morning so blog I will. Today my relatives from Italy are leaving, I hate the leaving part. (who really likes it?) I've determined that hospitals and airports are both places of extreme happiness and extreme sadness. This could be why I do not like either. Don't get me wrong both hospitals and airports are great for people watching, but I'm not talking about watching people, I'm talking about emotions (I know, surprise, surprise). People die and give birth in hospitals and depending on which you are getting that day, can make hospitals joyful and exciting or sad and tragic. Same for Airports, I will say this, when I'm going to see Drew, I LOVE THE AIRPORT, because it's fun and exciting and an adventure awaits, but boy do I dread pulling up to the airport on the return voyage. Yes I'm that girl standing in the security line bawling my eyes out, and no you can't judge me.
Airports and hospitals are too fickle for me, you can't really say to either, "this is my happy place"-unless you are on Grey's Anatomy or a wonderful Doctor (god bless you). This is perhaps why I will never work in a hospital, I don't know how to feel there, should I be happy because there are so many cute babies? Or should I feel sad because people are dying at a constant rate around me? No thank you, not for me. I will settle for my lovely corner pharmacy where the crazies can come to yell at me about their medication, because I know how to feel there...PISSED. But alas it is my happy place.

On another note, I graduate in 268 days, it blows my mind whenever I think about it. And of course every time I do think about it, that beautiful little question sneaks in "What's to become of me??" (My fair lady?...Anyone?) I will no longer be a student and right now I'm not sure I know how to be anything but a student (except a pretty good cook).
Well I guess that's all for this morning, it was a bunch of ramblings I know. Stay tuned for next time on "the random thoughts in Rosa's head".


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